[vtkusers] Problem VTK4 + python 2.2

Emmanuel Olart olart at theralys.com
Mon Jan 14 05:29:23 EST 2002

Hi again

I though it worked but I just tried to redo the whole thing with RPMs 
for Python 2.2 and wcPython, i then recompile VTK4 against these 
versions and i then got back to the same problem ..

When i print the type of data , vtk answers vtkobject :

/Python 2.2 (#1, Dec 23 2001, 09:30:32) //
//[GCC 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-98)] on linux2//
//Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.//
//>>> from vtkpython import *//
//>>> data=vtkImageData()//
//>>> reslice=vtkImageReslice()//
//>>> reslice.SetInput(data)//
//Traceback (most recent call last)://
//  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?//
//ValueError: method requires a VTK object//
//>>> print type(data)//
//<type 'vtkobject'>//
I really can t understand this...

Regards Emmanuel

Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida wrote:

>On a similar situation: <NEW> machine + python 2.2 + vtk4,  I can reproduce 
>exactly the same problem as Emmanuel. But the quick check that you mention 
>results in a <type 'vtkobject'>.
>I discovered it because I had problems with mayavi in:
>    def init_scalar_bar (self):
>        "Sets up the default scalar bar."
>        debug ("In LutHandler::init_scalar_bar ()")
>        self.sc_bar = vtkpython.vtkScalarBarActor ()
>        self.sc_bar.SetLookupTable (self.lut)
>I got in the SetLookupTable command a: 
>"ValueError: method requires a VTK object (in init_scalar_bar)"
>Ze Paulo
>On Saturday 12 January 2002 03:40, David Gobbi wrote:
>>Hi Emmanual,
>>At least for me, the VTK 4.X and python2.2 combination seems
>>to work fine.  I built VTK with shared libraries.
>>My suspicion is that if you do a "make clean" of VTK and rebuild,
>>then the problem will go away.  Also make sure that CMakeCache.txt
>>is pointing to the correct set of header files for python2.2.
>No other python installed.

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