[vtkusers] kill the instance of vtkImageviewer kill my application

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Sat Jan 12 00:58:05 EST 2002

>>>>> "PA" == Pratheek Arora <pratheeka at varahi.gsoi.med.ge.com> writes:

    PA> Hi David I am facing one unusual problem , I am using vtk with
    PA> c++ with gui interface in tcl tk, when I click button it
    PA> display the image through vtkImageViewer, I close that window
    PA> know I try once again I click the button but this time I get
    PA> error in vtkdll.dll , whenever I click the button I am
    PA> creating a new instance of vtkImageviewer , Can you tell me
    PA> how vtk behave like this way , How I remove this problem I

This looks similar to the problem that I reported earlier with running
multiple Tk's.  The original post is here:


I dont know of a fix and am not sure David has one.  One way out of
the problem is to not call Tkinter.Tk() several times and only call it
once (or atmost twice) for the application.  I am not sure what
Tkinter.Tk() translates to in Tcl though.


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