[vtkusers] help installing vtk32 on Windows2000 NT

Ravi Gupta rgupta at irus.rri.ca
Fri Jan 11 08:57:03 EST 2002

try my web page
http://www.irus.rri.ca/~rgupta/ -> Install -> vtk-Windows
Some of the instructions may be specific to my lab but you should get a 
general idea. I've used this on w2k.

Amy Henderson wrote:

> For us to be able to answer your question, we're going to need a little 
> more information about what went wrong.
> - Amy
> At 09:59 AM 1/11/2002 +0100, Arsene ELLA wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried to install vtk32 on Windows2000 NT following
>> installation instructions provided in the directory
>> VTK-SRC-WINDOWS, but it doesn't work.
>> Does anybody has an idea.
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Regards

Ravi Gupta


The John P. 			| P.O. Box 5015
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E-Mail: rgupta at irus.rri.ca	| N6A 5K8




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