[vtkusers] vtkTexture mapping with grayscale

Oliver Vidovic ovidovic at medipattern.com
Thu Feb 28 11:40:30 EST 2002


 I think what you need to do is the following:
(the code is in Tcl, but it's easy to move it the C++)

vtkLookupTable lut
	lut SetTableRange 0 65536
	lut SetHueRange 0.0 0.0
	lut SetSaturationRange 0.0 0.0
	lut SetValueRange 0.0 1.0
	lut Build
	^^^^^^^^^^^^ - you were missing this part here

Also, assign the lookup table to the texture not the mapper,
	texture2d SetLookupTable lut
	mapper2d SetLookupTable lut

 I tried (in Tcl) and it worked. Hope this helps.


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