[vtkusers] How to change vtkImageCursor3D color

Jianlong Zhou zhou at isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Thu Feb 28 05:53:13 EST 2002

Hi, all,

I use vtkImageCursor3D in my vtkImageViewer object to disply a cursor. I want to change 
the cursor's color to red. How to change it? The tcl code is as followings:

vtkImageCursor3D imageCursor
   imageCursor SetInput [reader GetOutput]
   imageCursor SetCursorPosition $x $y $z
  imageCursor SetCursorValue 255
  imageCursor SetCursorRadius 50

vtkImageVierer viewer
 viewer SetInput [imageCursor GetOutput]
 viewer SetColorWindow 256
 viewer SetColorLevel 128

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

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