[vtkusers] Re: Exploiting MFC's Document View magic (Was: VTK Help!)

Nigel Nunn nNunn at ausport.gov.au
Wed Feb 27 06:04:44 EST 2002

If your view class is running on the same thread as its 
document (quite likely), then you are sending the view 
to sleep as well, so you end up with zero time between 
calls.  To make this work, either get a second thread 
to drive the change, or use a timer. 
> tried this little loop to test:
>  while (d_cnt != 0) {
>    cameraX=cameraX+10;
>  //SetModifiedFlag(TRUE);
>    UpdateAllViews(NULL);
>    sleep( (clock_t)1 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
>    d_cnt--;
>  }	
> but it doent show me all the steps I got only 
> the last one...forgot somethin?

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