[vtkusers] vtkCellCenters with vtkUnstructuredGrid

Reinhold Niesner r.niesner at gmx.de
Tue Feb 26 03:26:15 EST 2002

Dear VTK users,

I was trying to use vtkCellCenters with an unstructured grid which I read
from a file ('test.vtk', attached). The problem is, if I add a new cell to
my unstructured grid, the cell center of the new cell is not represented at
the right place (!?).

Attached is a sample python script which reads in a vtk file ('test.vtk'),
represents point and cell labels and then adds a cell to the unstructured
grid. The label for the added cell (2) is not placed in the interior of the
newly created cell.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you.

R. Niesner

PS: I send this message initially from another e-mail address (accidentaly), which is not in the list, sory if you get it twice...
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