[vtkusers] Combining Textures and Other Values

Brad Lowekamp blowek1 at csee.umbc.edu
Mon Feb 25 16:42:23 EST 2002

	I understand how to assign scalars with the color map, or assign a 
texture to set the color for a polygon mesh. But I want more, I want to 
be able to combine a color and a texture map, or perhaps more that one 
texture. I am familiar with how to do this in OpenGL, but I don't see this 
any where in VTK. I would suspect them in vtkProperty or vtkTexture, but 
there were no where to be found. I could  understand if it's not in VTK, 
because this is  a little hardware or implementation  specific. So can 
anyone tell me if these features do or do not exist in VTK?


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