[vtkusers] Shadow of 2D Actor when using VolumeRayCastCompositeFunction

David Netherway david.netherway at adelaide.edu.au
Sun Feb 17 20:33:11 EST 2002

Hello Vtk Users,

On top of my ray cast image I have inserted a cross using 2D actors. But I
get a shadow offset from the cross. See attached sample code. The shadow
does not always appear but if you move the volume a few times (say, 5) you
should see the problem.

For ray casting with imbedded geometry there is early termination using the
z buffer. The problem may be related to an image offset between the z buffer
and the 2D actor position. I have not yet tracked it down. If you turn off
the early ray termination using
volumeMapper SetIntermixIntersectingGeometry 0

The problem goes away.

Does anyone recognise the problem and have a solution?

Thanks, David

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