[vtkusers] Image Stack

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Sat Feb 16 02:03:41 EST 2002

>>>>> "MY" == Yogish Mallya <Mallya> writes:

    MY> Is there any vtk class to stack images ? The image slices
    MY> comes sequentially, say of extent (0, 511, 0, 511, 0, 0 ),
    MY> (0,511,0,511,1,1)......  I want to stack these images so as to
    MY> form a volume. How can I implement this logic in vtk? Is there
    MY> any vtk class?

Any of the ImageReaders and VolumeReaders and their subclasses are
your friends.  I believe that you can read a bunch of image files and
produce a vtkImageData from them.  This can be used to do whatever
magic you want.


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