[vtkusers] How to modify structured grid contour and isosurface Tcl examples for unstructured grids

Alaeddin A. Aydiner aydiner at empc22.ece.uiuc.edu
Sat Feb 9 23:53:46 EST 2002

I tried that. Then it complains about no data to contour! This is a 3D
mesh of hexahedrons, each of which is assigned a scalar value. I have
successfully visualized the whole mass (which is not very
informative:-), as well as planar cuts of the data.

The error it reports is:

ERROR: In /data/VTK/Graphics/vtkContourFilter.cxx, line 156
vtkContourFilter (0x80ee2a8): No data to contour

Thanks very much.

On Sun Feb 10, 2002 at 10:13:15AM +0530, Prabhu
Ramachandran(prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in) wrote:
> AFAIK, there is no equivalent for vtkStructuredGridOutline.  Just
> replace it with a vtkOutlineFilter instead.
> prabhu

Alaeddin Ahmet Aydiner                            _          _          _
Office Tel: 217 333 0434                         / \        / \        / \
377 CCEM Everitt Laboratory MC 702              /---\      /---\      /---\
Electrical & Computer Eng. Dept. UIUC 61801    /     \ .  /     \ .  /     \ .

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