[vtkusers] making VTK4.0 work with Python

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Feb 8 23:58:18 EST 2002

>>>>> "JF" == Joshua Foster <joshuaf at vnet.net> writes:

    JF> Prabhu, Thanks for your help on my problem.  The speficic
    JF> error I get in python is "No module named vtkCommonPython".
    JF> This is when I do 'import vtkpython'.  I can assume that my
    JF> vtk python wrappers are being seen because some of them import
    JF> just fine, but some of them give the above error message.
    JF> vtkCommonPython (and the other vtk dll's) are in my VTK\bin
    JF> directory, which is pointed to in my PATH variable.  I don't
    JF> know what else I can do to make the system recognize them.

Yes, maybe you need to put the directory that contains all the
vtkCommonPython.dll etc. in your PYTHONPATH or you can copy them all
to the directory that contains vtkpython.py etc.


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