[vtkusers] Overwriting original data after using stencil with vtkVolumeProVG500Mapper?

David Netherway david.netherway at adelaide.edu.au
Fri Feb 8 02:41:40 EST 2002

Hello David,

I finally found the source of the problem but not the answer.

It is associated with using the vtkVolumeProMapper. The test examples I was
putting together with small data sets used the raycaster without problems.

Attached is my test code showing the problem. If executed without the last
line then the slices appropriately do not have the stencil applied.
After executing  "volumeMapper SetInput [imageStencil GetOutput]" and
updating the volPro image the slices show the stencil applied.

I am using vtk4 from Feb 1, 2002 and the VolumeProVG500 card.

Thanks, David

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