[vtkusers] UnsatisfiedLinkError ( vtkInit )

Jeff Lee jeff at cdnorthamerica.com
Thu Feb 7 07:13:45 EST 2002

There is no more libvtkJava as of vtk4.0.  The libraries are loaded 
individually now - see Wrapping/Java/vtkPanel.java

David Zwarg wrote:

>I saw the threads regarding the inclusion of vtkJava to resolve:
>java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: VTKInit
>        at vtk.vtkRenderWindow.VTKInit(Native Method)
>        at vtk.vtkObject.<init>(vtkObject.java:97)
>        at vtk.vtkWindow.<init>(vtkWindow.java:146)
>        at vtk.vtkRenderWindow.<init>(vtkRenderWindow.java:350)
>        at vtkPanel.<init>(vtkPanel.java:10)
>        at SimpleVTK.<init>(SimpleVTK.java:18)
>        at SimpleVTK.main(SimpleVTK.java:48)
>Exception in thread "main" 
>But there is no vtkJava library in the latest d/l from the site.  Is this
>only a linux/unix thing?  I'm runing the win binary pre-compiled.  Just
>downloaded it and it doesn't work.
>Is vtkJava named something else?  Is it missing?
>David Zwarg
>Intrumentation Engineer
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