[vtkusers] vtk annotations/MFC drawing on the CDC

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Feb 6 22:49:03 EST 2002

>>>>> "TC" == Ted Christiansen <ted at caept.com> writes:

    TC> Hello, Is it possible to draw on the CDC in the OnDraw
    TC> function:


    TC> I tried it but as soon as any transformations happen then the
    TC> drawing disappears.  Anybody else tried this?  I need to do
    TC> some annotation in the view - text and a leader (line with
    TC> arrow head).  If anyone has an example of how to do this using
    TC> vtk classes I would appreciate it.  Thanks.

I'm not sure what exactly you want to oo but IIRC, Will recently
created a neat class called vtkCaptionActor2D that does the following:

vtkCaptionActor2D - draw text label associated with a point

Super Class:


 vtkCaptionActor2D is a hybrid 2D/3D actor that is used to associate text 
 with a point (the AttachmentPoint) in the scene. The caption can be 
 drawn with a rectangular border and a leader connecting 
 the caption to the attachment point. Optionally, the leader can be 
 glyphed at its endpoint to create arrow heads or other indicators.


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