[vtkusers] vtkDecimatePro difference between c and tcl

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Tue Feb 5 07:29:50 EST 2002

Hi Uwe-

You have MergingOff in one of the STL readers. This means that points are 
not merged and decimate can do much with it.


At 11:46 AM 2/5/2002 +0100, Uwe Sick wrote:
>Dear vtk User,
>I evaluate some functionality of vtk. I implement vtkDecimatePro in a C
>main or in a tcl script the results are significant different. Can
>anybody tell me why the quality of tcl / vtkDecimatePro is higher ?
>My Environment :
>   VTK Version : 4.0
>   DecimatePro : $Date: 2002/01/15 14:14:34 $Revision: 1.1
>   BSY : Suse 7.2
>   TCL/TK Version : 8.3
>The Code :
>=> the C code example output_c.jpg
>    // read in the stl ascii file
>   cout << "reading STL ASCII file ..." << endl;
>   vtkSTLReader* stlReader = vtkSTLReader::New();
>   stlReader->SetFileName(infile);
>   stlReader->MergingOff();
>   stlReader->Update();
>   vtkPolyData* polyData = stlReader->GetOutput();
>    vtkDecimatePro* decimate = vtkDecimatePro::New();
>    decimate->SetInput(polyData);
>    decimate->SetTargetReduction(0.35);
>    decimate->SetPreserveTopology(1);
>    decimate->Update();
>    // write stl ascii file
>    cout << "writing STL ASCII file ..." << endl;
>    vtkSTLWriter* stlWriter = vtkSTLWriter::New();
>    stlWriter->SetInput(decimate->GetOutput());
>    stlWriter->SetFileName(outfile);
>    stlWriter->Write();
>   // deallocation(s)
>   stlWriter->Delete(); stlWriter = NULL;
>   decimate->Delete(); decimate = NULL;
>   stlReader->Delete(); stlReader = NULL;
>=> the tcl code example output_tcl.jpg
>   vtkSTLReader sr
>     sr SetFileName infile.stl
>   vtkDecimatePro deci
>     deci SetInput [sr GetOutput]
>     deci SetTargetReduction 0.35
>     deci SetPreserveTopology 1
>   wm title . [deci GetTargetReductionMaxValue]
>   vtkSTLWriter sw
>     sw SetFileName outfile.stl
>     sw SetInput [deci GetOutput]
>     sw
>Thank´s for your answer
>Uwe Sick

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