[vtkusers] VTK 4.0 and Python 2.2

Joshua Foster joshuaf at vnet.net
Tue Feb 5 01:02:18 EST 2002

I have downloaded and installed the VTK 4.0 core binaries and the VTK 4.0 Python libraries and dll's on a Windows XP system.  Now what exactly do I do to get Python to recognize the VTK modules?  I've tried 'vtk', 'vtkpython', 'vtkCommon' or 'vtkCommonPython'.  Does Python have some sort of environment variable?  And if so, do I point it to the *.dll's, *.lib's, or *.py's?  I have also heard about a 'vtkpython.pth' file, but cannot find any information about making it.

  Joshua Foster
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