[vtkusers] Orthogonal views speed problem

Oliver Vidovic ovidovic at medipattern.com
Mon Feb 4 10:55:42 EST 2002

 Hi vtk users,

 I have a large vtkStructuredPoints dataset, and the size is 512 x 512 x 100
(25MB of data).
 I need to show the data sliced in 'classic' orthogonal views. One that
represents x-y plane slice of the data, one that represents the y-z, and one
for x-z.

 The requirement is that the 'slicing' of the data has to be REALLY fast. If
you were to watch the 'movie' of the data slicing, the time between 2
slices/frames of the movie has to be less than 0.1 second.

 I know the slicing itself can be done using various filters:
- vtkImplicitFunction
- vtkImageReslice
- vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter
- vtkPlaneSource and vtkProbeFilter
- vtkOrthoFilter that has been already mentioned on the mailing list

 The problem is I cannot get the speed I need.

 The platform that this needs to work on: Windows NT 4.0 Workstation,
vtk3.1, vtk Java API (we are using Java 1.3 to talk to vtk).
 Out of the solutions mentioned above, I haven't tried the last 2
(vtkProbeFilter, and vtkOrthoFilter), but I'll try them now. I just wanted
to fire a question to the mailing list before I run out of solutions to try.
I also didn't try the ImplicitFunction approach, because I read on the
mailing list, that it' really slow.

 If someone out there has VolView, I would like to achieve that kind of
speed, what you see in the X-Y, Y-Z and X-Z views. My application has to be
user-responsive (like VolView), and that's why I need the reslicing really

 Any suggestions?
 Upgrade to vtk.4.0? Is Java slow? Use different pipeline? Use several


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