[vtkusers] vtkCutter generate a lot of triangles

Alberto Martinez alberto.martinez at mad.tecsidel.es
Fri Feb 1 08:42:22 EST 2002


It's the first time I'm using vtk, and I have a problem with this software.

I'm using the class vtkCutter to cut a slice of a vtkPolyData element. The problem is that I do not have the final surface.

I pass the filters vtkStripper and vtkTriangleFilter to the result of vtkCutter. The problem is I get a good cut surface, but totally divided in triangles, many of them very little.

¿Is there any form of join the triangles and generate compact surfaces?

Thank you.

Alberto Martínez López
Ingeniero de Sistemas

División TSN
Área de Telecomunicaciones
C/ Enrique Jardiel Poncela, 6, 3ª planta
28016 Madrid
Tel: (+34) 91 353 08 88
Fax: (+34) 91 353 08 81
<mailto:alberto.martinez at mad.tecsidel.es>

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