[vtkusers] Getting started..

Jeremy Winston winston at cat.rpi.edu
Sat Dec 28 10:07:25 EST 2002

sridhar raja wrote:
> [...]
> I'm a VB developer, with working knowlegde of VC++.
> Could anyone suggest me on beginning VTK?
> (any FAQ or tutorials for beginners like me?)
> i would like to learn VTK for doing 3D rendering and
> image processing in medical imaging application.

See http://www.kitware.com/vtk/vtkoverview.html

The textbook and users guide are the definitive sources.
The textbook is a good intro to visualization, using VTK 
for examples.  The users guide goes into more detail re VTK 

The textbook 2nd edition is out of print, but the 3rd 
edition will soon be out, published by Kitware, available 
off their website.

The manual pages 
and examples (that come with the source) are also indispensible.

The FAQ is at http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/vtkfaq.

Also, the mailing list archive is a goldmine


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