[vtkusers] Plot points in space & render pressure cloud?

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Mon Dec 16 22:00:46 EST 2002

>>>>> "AT" == Adriano Tittarelli <gneotel at tin.it> writes:

    AT> Hi all, I'm very new to vtk.  2 questions for you:

    AT> 1) I wonder which is the best way to plot points in 3d space.

    AT> How can I plot onda points?

Just create an actor to draw the polydata that you created and then
set the property of the actor so that the representation uses points

vtkActor act
act SetMapper mapper
[act GetProperty] SetRepresentationToPoints

    AT> 2) How can I render them not as separate points but as a
    AT> uniform transparent 3D cloud?  (Points scalars represent
    AT> pressure in that point)

If you have the connectivity information, create a proper polydata and
then render it.  If this is not possible look at the vtkShepardMethod
or vtkGaussianSplatter and see if they are useful.


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