[vtkusers] Compile error VTK4.0-gcc3.4-Solaris8-Tcl in vtkTclUtil.o

Dale Bailey dlbailey at doh.health.nsw.gov.au
Fri Dec 6 00:23:54 EST 2002

any help on the problem below gratefully appreciated.

> I am installing VTK so that I can use a public domain medical image
  > software package (vtkCISG Registration Toolkit).
  > In the build of  vtkTclUtil.o I get an error from  the C++ compiler of :
  > /usr/local/bin/c++ -Wno-deprecated -I/usr/local/VTK/Common
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Rendering -I/usr/local/VTK/Hybrid
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Patented -I/usr/local/VTK/Parallel -I/usr/local/VTK
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Common -I/usr/local/VTK/Filtering -I/usr/local/VTK/Imaging
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Graphics -I/usr/local/VTK/IO
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Utilities/zlib -I/usr/local/VTK/Utilities/png
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Utilities/jpeg -I/usr/local/VTK/Common/Testing/Cxx
  > -I/usr/local/ActiveTcl/include -c /usr/local/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx -o
  > vtkTclUtil.o /usr/local/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx: In function `void
  >    vtkTclGetObjectFromPointer(Tcl_Interp*, void*, int (*)(void*,
  > Tcl_Interp*, int, char**))':
  > /usr/local/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx:290: invalid conversion from `int
  >    (*)(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int, char**)' to `int (*)(void*, Tcl_Interp*,
  > int, const char**)'
  > /usr/local/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx: In function `int
  >    vtkTclNewInstanceCommand(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int, char**)':
  > /usr/local/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx:544: invalid conversion from `int
  >    (*)(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int, char**)' to `int (*)(void*, Tcl_Interp*,
  > int, const char**)'
  > /usr/local/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx: In function `void
  >    vtkTclCreateNew(Tcl_Interp*, const char*, void*(*)(), int (*)(void*,
  >    Tcl_Interp*, int, char**))':
  > /usr/local/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx:576: invalid conversion from `int
  >    (*)(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int, char**)' to `int (*)(void*, Tcl_Interp*,
  > nt, const char**)'
  > *** Error code 1
  > The following command caused the error:
  > /usr/local/bin/c++ -Wno-deprecated -I/usr/local/VTK/Common
  > I/usr/local/VTK/Rendering -I/usr/local/VTK/Hybrid -I/usr/local/VTK/Patented
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Parallel -I/usr/local/VTK -I/usr/local/VTK/Common
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Filtering -I/usr/local/VTK/Imaging
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Graphics -I/usr/local/VTK/IO
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Utilities/zlib -I/usr/local/VTK/Utilities/png
  > -I/usr/local/VTK/Utilities/jpeg -I/usr/local/VTK/Common/Testing/Cxx
  > -I/usr/local/ActiveTcl/include -c /usr/local/VTK/Common/vtkTclUtil.cxx -o
  > vtkTclUtil.o make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `vtkTclUtil.o'
  > Current working directory /usr/local/VTK/Common
  >  I am not a C++ programmer so do not wish to go in and try and fix this in
  > the source code (plus I don't really want to change thecode).
  > Can anyone advise what is wrong with this code?
  > I am using the GNU gcc 3.2 and c++ compilers on a Sun Blade 100 running Solaris
  > 8. In cmake I  have set :
  > VTK_WRAP_TCL       ON
  > Thanks,
  > Dale Bailey
  > Department of Nuclear Medicine
  > Royal North Shore Hospital
  > Sydney, Australia

dlbailey at doh.health.nsw.gov.au
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