[vtkusers] Structured Points

Sepp^ Huber sepp.huber21 at gmx.at
Mon Dec 2 14:34:10 EST 2002

Hi all,

I've got a problem which should be fairly easy but I haven't been able to
figure it out.

In principle I have a collection of records consisting of three coordinates
(X, Y, Z) and a value. What I actually want is to create a volume rendering
of this dataset.

What I have so far is the following:

I create a structure points object & a scalar array. Then I'd fill the
scalar array with my values and for this I'd need the index where to put each
value. The problem is that I haven't been able to figure out how to calculate the
correct index from my X,Y,Z values because it doesn't seem to follow the
structure a 3D array in C would have. 

CData -> my structure where X,Y,Z & the Value is stored

  vtkScalars *pScalars = vtkScalars::New();
  m_pVolumeData = vtkStructuredPoints::New();
  m_pVolumeData->SetDimensions( DimX, DimY, DimZ);
  m_pVolumeData->SetOrigin( 0, 0, 0);
  m_pVolumeData->SetSpacing( 1.0 / (DimX - 1.0), 1.0 / (DimY - 1.0), 1.0 /
(DimZ - 1.0) );
  // fill 
  for( Iter = Data.begin(); Iter != Data.end(); Iter++ ) {
    Iter->GetPos( X, Y, Z);
    Val = Iter->GetVal();
    // calculate an index from 3D coordinates like it would be done in C/C++
    // for an array a[x][y][z]
    Index = (X * DimY + Y) * DimZ + Z;
    pScalars->InsertScalar( Index, Val);

  m_pVolumeData->GetPointData()->SetScalars( pScalars );   // assign to
structured points

If anybody knows how to do this correctly or how to assign data which
consists of three coordinates + the value at these coordinates to a structured
points object then let me know!

I'd appreciate any help & if you could reply via mail please!

Thanks in advance!


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