[vtkusers] something about the HeadBone file.

Koning, P.J.H. de (LKEB) P.J.H.de_Koning at lumc.nl
Thu Aug 29 09:29:01 EDT 2002

29-08-02 15:11:44, "#YAN RI AN#" <PS7278514B at ntu.edu.sg> wrote:

vtkMarchingCubes is located in the vtkPatented library

>Dear All:
>I use the window NT based computer & VC6.0 compiler.
> I  meet the problem when I convert the headBone.tcl to Cxx file.
>I add the file : vtkMarchingCubes.h, vtkMarchingCubes.cxx to the project.
>When I bulid it. It give me a warning that vtkMarchingCubes.h something wrong.
>Could anyone give me some suggest about it.
>The source code below:
>		#include "vtkLight.h"
>		#include "vtkMergePoints.h"
>		#include "vtkVolume16Reader.h"
>		#include "vtkMarchingCubes.h"
>		#include "vtkVectorNorm.h"
>		#include "vtkDataSetMapper.h"
>		#include "vtkOutlineFilter.h"
>		#include "vtkActor.h"
>		#include "vtkRenderer.h"
>		#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
>		#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
>		int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>		{
>		  vtkRenderer *ren1 = vtkRenderer::New();
>		//  ren1->AddActor(actor);
>		//  ren1->SetBackground(0, 0, 1);
>		// ren1->GetActiveCamera()->Zoom(1.5);
>		  vtkRenderWindow *renWin = vtkRenderWindow::New();
>		  renWin->AddRenderer(ren1);
>		//  renWin->SetSize(500,500);
>		  vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
>		  iren->SetRenderWindow(renWin);	
>		  vtkLight *lgt=vtkLight::New();
>		  vtkMergePoints *locator=vtkMergePoints::New();
>		  locator->SetDivisions(32,32,46);
>		  locator->RetainCellListsOff();
>		  locator->SetNumberOfPointsPerBucket(2);
>		  locator->AutomaticOff();
>		  vtkVolume16Reader *v16=vtkVolume16Reader::New();
>		    v16->SetDataDimensions(64,64);
>		    v16->GetOutput()->SetOrigin(0,0,0);
>		    v16->SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian();
>		    v16->SetFilePrefix("c:/Vtkdata/Data/headsq/quarter");
>		    v16->SetImageRange(1,93);
>		    v16->SetDataSpacing(3.2,3.2,1.5);
>			vtkMarchingCubes *iso=vtkMarchingCubes::New();
>		    iso->SetInput(v16->GetOutput());
>		    iso->SetValue(0,1150);
>		    iso->ComputeGradientsOn();
>		    iso->ComputeScalarsOff();
>		    iso->SetLocator(locator);
>			vtkVectorNorm *gradient=vtkVectorNorm::New();
>			gradient->SetInput(iso->GetOutput());
>		  vtkDataSetMapper *isoMapper=vtkDataSetMapper::New();
>		    isoMapper->SetInput(gradient->GetOutput());
>		    isoMapper->ScalarVisibilityOn();
>		    isoMapper->SetScalarRange(0,1200);
>		    isoMapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOn();
>			vtkActor *isoActor=vtkActor::New();
>		    isoActor->SetMapper(isoMapper);
>			isoActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(0,0,1);
>		//	set->isoProp(isoActor->GetProperty());
>		//	eval->isoProp->SetColor(0,0,1);
>			vtkOutlineFilter *outline=vtkOutlineFilter::New();
>		    outline->SetInput(v16->GetOutput());
>			vtkPolyDataMapper *outlineMapper=vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
>		    outlineMapper->SetInput(outline->GetOutput());
>			vtkActor *outlineActor=vtkActor::New();
>		    outlineActor->SetMapper(outlineMapper);
>			outlineActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(0,0,0);
>		//	set->outlineProp(outlineActor->GetProperty());
>		//	eval->outlineProp->SetColor(0,0,0);
>		// Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
>			ren1->AddActor(outlineActor);
>			ren1->AddActor(isoActor);
>			ren1->SetBackground(1,1,1);
>			ren1->AddLight(lgt);
>			renWin->SetSize(250,250);
>			ren1->SetBackground(0.1,0.2,0.4);
>		 //   lgt->SetPosition(cam1->GetPosition());
>		//    lgt->SetFocalPoint(cam1->GetFocalPoint());
>		//	ren1->ResetCameraClippingRange();
>		  // This starts the event loop and as a side effect causes an initial render.
>		  renWin->Render();
>		  iren->Start();
>		  ren1->Delete();
>		  renWin->Delete();
>		  iren->Delete();
>		  return 0;
>		}
>		the Cmake list is:
>		PROJECT (headBone)
>		INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindVTK.cmake)
>		  vtkCommon
>		  vtkFiltering
>		  vtkGraphics
>		  vtkHybrid
>		  vtkImaging
>		  vtkIO
>		  vtkjpeg
>		  vtkParallel
>		  vtkPng
>		  vtkRendering
>		  vtkzlib
>		)
>		ADD_EXECUTABLE(headBone headBone.cxx)
>		thanks very much.
>		my e-mail address is :
>		ps7278514b at ntu.edu.sg <mailto:ps7278514b at ntu.edu.sg>
>* Best Regards
>* Yan Rian (Research Student) 
>* Email : ps7278514b at ntu.edu.sg
>* Lab : AMRC Research Centre 
>* Nanyang Technological University 
>* Singapore 
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