[vtkusers] About vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter

Guangning Pei im01_peg at nada.kth.se
Thu Aug 29 05:57:36 EDT 2002

Hi all,
I am a beginner of vtk. Follow the demo of finance.tcl, I use
vtkProgramDataObjectSource to create Data object, then use
vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter to create the points and
vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter to assign the scalar.
After I change the axis component by "set xAxis xxx", I found I can't
just use commands " do2ds SetPointComponent 0 $xAxis 0 ..."! The
dataobject has been destroyed! I have to create another
vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter or create the vtkProgramDataObjectSource
Can anyone tell me if there is a convenience way to do it? or there is
other filters I should use instead of vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter?
Thanks a lot!

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