[vtkusers] blue actors?

Mary Lederer surreal at bwh.harvard.edu
Fri Aug 16 10:14:31 EDT 2002

Hi vtkusers,

I'm using Tcl/Tk, and I'm trying to read in data from a vtk file and
display it:

    vtkPolyDataReader TempPolyReader
    TempPolyReader SetFileName $Navigator(FlatSelect)

    # create a vtkPolyDataMapper to map the data from the vtk file
    vtkPolyDataMapper TempMapper
    TempMapper SetInput [TempPolyReader GetOutput]

    # create a vtkActor for the vtkMapper to map to
    vtkActor Navigator($name,Actor)
    Navigator($name,Actor) SetMapper TempMapper

    # add the vtkActor
    Navigator($name,Renderer) AddActor Navigator($name,Actor)    

However, when I load a vtk file and run this, the actor comes out
blue.  I'm fairly sure that it shouldn't be.  I can only guess that
this has something to do with vtkPolyDataReader, as when I add another
actor to the scene (from a source, rather than a file) it is white
(which I assume is the default color).  I am clueless.  If you have
any clues, help is appreciated.


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