[vtkusers] Colouring

Javier Maicas Sebastian s011124 at student.dtu.dk
Thu Aug 15 05:40:19 EDT 2002

Hi all,

I am working with the segmentation of the brain and I have extracted the
inner and the outer surface. I want to show each surface with a different
color. If I introduce the surface in a 3D matrix (a 3D image)  and I
apply marching cubes to smooth the surface the results are very bad (the
surface appears in pieces) because it expects a volume as input. So I
build a volume (the cortex) and the marching cubes produces a nice
surface, but the two surfaces at the same time and with the same color.

How can I do it then? Is there in vtk a function that creates a smooth
surface from points (similar to vtkLine for lines)?


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