[vtkusers] 3D visualization

Javier Maicas Sebastian s011124 at student.dtu.dk
Wed Aug 7 11:29:09 EDT 2002

Hi vtkusers

I am Javier Maicas. I have installed VTK libraries in the release and in
the debug versions by compiling the nightly source code in my
computer. What I want to do is:

* I have mi program that, in the end, produces a volume that I want to
show in 3D. Is it possible to load this volume (it is a 3D matrix) in the
VTK libraries directly? How?

This is what I really want. What I have been doing so far is writing slice
by slice as a set of images in a folder and afterwards I read them using
a standard image reader of VTK (TIFFReader, BMPReader). The problem with
this method is that I have to write and read images; and I would like to
avoid it.

When I try with the compiled libraries, that I can download directly from
the official page of VTK, the TIFFReader works, but now, with the
libraries that I have compiled in my computer in order to have access to
the patented libraries, the TIFFReader doesn't work. I cannot compile my
program if I want to use the TIFFReader, and I want to use it. The reason
is that when I use the BMPReader (that works in the two versions of
libraries) instead I cannot perform a clip, using
the function ClipVolume, as with the tiff images. The questions are: Can I
change a library from the precompiled libraries (that contains the
TIFFReader) instead of the "compiled-by-me" libraries to make TIFFReader
works? If I can't, could I get the same results by using the BMPReader? I
mean, how do I have to use ClipVolume to clip bmp images?

(when I use tiff images, I write the images as unsigned short values 0 for
the background, 1 for the volume, 2 for the surfaces and if, for example,
I use ClipVolume with value 0.1 I get the volume and the surfaces. So it
works as it is expected. When I use bmp images I do the same with unsigned
shorts, but with a ClipVolume of 0.1 it doesn't show anything. Which
values do I have to use for bamp images?)

And as a last question, I want to apply marching cubes. Which is the
sequence of instructions from the TIFFReader to the iren() to use the
marching cubes?

Thanks in advance


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