[vtkusers] What I need to build VTK in Windows

Rasmus Reinhold Paulsen rrp at imm.dtu.dk
Mon Aug 5 05:37:38 EDT 2002

Hi Samuel,

On Mon, 5 Aug 2002, Samuel Rodríguez Bescos wrote:

> I want to work with Vtk toolkit. I have downloaded the Source code of 4.0
> version, but I saw other files in the webside, like vtk40Data.zip,
> vtk40Core.exe,  vtk40Tcl.exe, vtk40cpp.exe or  VTK40MSVC. Could anybody tell
> me if I really need these files and If I need them, In which directory must
> I put them?. I work with windows 2000 and MSVC++6.0 . And I Know also how
> runs Cmake.

Take a look at the guide (found under manuals) at this page:


Perhaps you can use something from it. Else I recommend buying the books.


PS. I will make a minor update of the guide tomorrow, but I think it is
still useful.

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