[vtkusers] Mixing C++ and Tcl/Tk Code in vtk application

Daniel A. Mezentsev dan at barrt.ru
Mon Apr 29 21:40:53 EDT 2002

Hi,  All!

I'm write some classes not derivative from vtk classes. I'm wrapped  my
own classes into Tcl/Tk script, but
without standard vtk wrapper using. The following code is very slowly.

AtomCluster cluster    #  this is my class
cluster Load "water"

vtkStructuredPoints vol
vol SetDimensions 101 101 101
vol SetSpacing 0.1 0.1 0.1
vol SetOrigin -5 -5 -5

vtkFloatArray potential

for {set i 0} {$i < [vol GetNumberOfPoints]} {incr i} {
    set r [vol GetPoint $i]
    set phi [cluster NuclerPotential [lindex $r 0] [lindex $r 1] [lindex

$r 2]]
    potential InsertNextValue $phi
. . . .

I want to use the following code :

AtomCluster cluster
cluster Load "water"

vtkStructuredPoints vol
vol SetDimensions 101 101 101
vol SetSpacing 0.1 0.1 0.1
vol SetOrigin -5 -5 -5

cluster CalculateNuclearPotential vol

but I don't know how to obtain access to the object corresponding  to
the vtkStructuredPoints instance (vol in my case) from C/C++ programm
(from cluster class).
Any suggestions ?

With respect

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