[vtkusers] Camera & NearFar Planes

Giancarlo Amati amati at ira.cnr.it
Mon Apr 22 06:01:03 EDT 2002

Hi everybody,

I have the following question: I have created a Camera and I have setted 
up my clipping range from 0.01 to 1000.0 with SetClippingRange. 
When I move my camera with dolly operation, is my frustum moving with my 
camera or not? What is the beahviour of my near and far clipping plane?

Thank you for the help.
Have a nice day.

dott. Giancarlo Amati                  |
(amati at ira.cnr.it)                     |
National Research Council              |
RadioAstronomical Institute            |
office phone n. +39 051 6399405        |
via Gobetti 101 - Bologna (Italy)      |

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