[vtkusers] read in streaming data rather than read in from file

Shwu Ping Vong svong at email.arc.nasa.gov
Thu Apr 18 14:37:32 EDT 2002

Hello kind vtkusers,

Please help me with this problem :
        Right now my streaming data comes from reading from shared
memory.  After that, the data would be stored in a double* .  My
approach now is somewhat primitive ( and maybe stupid ) -- I write out
the data stored in the array to a file and add the header to make it
into vtk format so my vtkStructuredPointsReader can read it.  Since it's
streaming data, it's kind of like everything loops again and again so
every time I got new data in the array, the data will be written out to
a file before being read by vtkStructuredPointsReader object.  It works
OK for small data, but as the size grows, some problems occur.  Besides,
it doesn't seem efficient to do this : data -> file -> reader over and
over.  Is there another approach to this?  Is there something in vtk
that can take the scalar values directly?

Thanks in advance,
Shwuping Vong

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