[vtkusers] Interpolating vector data

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Tue Apr 9 04:09:40 EDT 2002

>>>>> "CP" == Christian Poecher <poecher at icom-consulting.de> writes:

    CP> Hi, I would like to interpolate vector data with a
    CP> RectilinearGrid topology and map the vectors on gylphs.For
    CP> example: If there is a rectilinear grid with points at (x y z)
    CP> 1 1 1 and 2 1 1, I want a vector data of the point 1.5 1 1.  I
    CP> thought vtkProbeFilter would do it, but I don't see how.

    CP> Does anyone know, if vtk can do this or which class I must
    CP> use? Maybe someone knows an example?

rgrep on the Examples directory in the VTK 4.x sources and you should
get a few examples.  Similarly look at the examples in the 3.2
graphics directory.  There is a probe.tcl and probe.py.  The idea is
that you set the probe's input (via SetInput) to the polydata
(actually any subclass of vtkDataSet) where you want the interpolated
values and then set the source of the filter to the data that you want
interpolated.  The output of the filter will contain the values of the
probed data at the specified locations.


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