[vtkusers] BMP volume reader

anast.jm at pg.com anast.jm at pg.com
Thu Sep 27 18:18:52 EDT 2001


I'm trying to read uCT data from a series of BMP files  (dik.1 dik.2 dik.3 ....
dik.200) in vtk3.2 using

vtkBMPReader reader
    reader SetDataExtent 1 1024 1 1024 1 200
    reader SetDataSpacing 0.05 0.05 0.2
    reader SetDataVOI 50 960 50 960 2 199
    reader SetFileName "dik"

this gives an error can read file "dik" If I give it filename "dik.1" then it
reads 200 copies of dik.1 to form the volume. What is the proper syntax to get
it to read the other 199 slices???

I couldn't get any tips from the man pages or the examples (couldn't find any
multislice bmp examples)

Thanks, john

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