[vtkusers] help

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Sat Sep 22 06:25:53 EDT 2001

At the end of the execute you've done
This is generally not good because any filter which does
is going to lose its input.

Because you've got filters embedded in your own filter you want
>     this->SetOutput(profileTubes->GetOutput());

replaced with
if there are field arrays inside the profiletube that you want you must also
vtkPolydata *output = this->GetOutput();
though you most likely won't need both. Either point or cell data

NB. There may be other bugs, but I just looked at the code and spotted 
this, I haven't double checked


At 04:56 22/09/2001, ghzhao wrote:
>I write a class vtkKnittedFabricSource, but it does not work.
>When I move the Execut() method outside just like the CSpline.tcl demo, it 
>works. Why?
>void vtkKnittedFabricSource::Execute()
>   float pi= 3.141592654;
>   int i, numPts;
>   float x, y, z, s;
>   vtkPoints *newPoints;
>   vtkCellArray *newPolys;
>   vtkTubeFilter *profileTubes;
>   vtkPolyData *profileData = vtkPolyData::New();
>   vtkPolyData *polyData = vtkPolyData::New();
>// Set things up; allocate memory
>   numPts = this->ThetaResolution;
>   newPoints = vtkPoints::New();
>   newPoints->Allocate(numPts);
>   newPolys = vtkCellArray::New();
>   newPolys->InsertNextCell(numPts);
>// Generate points and lines
>   for(i=0; i<numPts; i++)
>   {
>   s=1.0*i/numPts;
>      x = this->Shape*s*s*s-1.5*this->Shape*s*s+(this->Width+this->Shape)*s/2;
>      y = 0.5*(this->Height+this->Overlap)*(1-cos(pi*s));
>      z = 0.5*(this->Thickness-2*this->Radius)*(1-cos(2*pi*s));
>      newPoints->InsertPoint(i, x, y, z);
>      newPolys->InsertCellPoint(i);
>   }
>   profileData->SetPoints( newPoints);
>   profileData->SetLines( newPolys);
>   profileTubes =vtkTubeFilter::New();
>   profileTubes->SetNumberOfSides(this->PhiResolution);
>   profileTubes->SetInput( profileData);
>   profileTubes->SetRadius( this->Radius);
>// Update ourselves and release memory
>     this->SetOutput(profileTubes->GetOutput());
>//  newPoints->Delete();
>//  newPolys->Delete();
>//  profileTubes->Delete();

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