[vtkusers] interpolation

Tao-Pak Chris Tsui tsuitp at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 21 11:19:54 EDT 2001


I am wondering if vtk can be used in my project,
basically I need to do an interpolation on a dataset,
here's the criteria:

1) vtkStructuredGrid dataset or any types of dataset
that would do the job...

2) all the positions of the vertices are known at
ground zero;

3) however, only 4 of the vertices are known after
time t, the position of these 4 vertices can be

is that possible to interpolate the rest of the
vertices only knowing the positions of these 4
vertices?  I know there's a class called
vtkInterpolateDataSetAttributes, but all the dataset
attributes have to be known before it can do the

Any Help will be greatly appreciated.



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