[vtkusers] using java and vtk

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Oct 3 01:12:35 EDT 2001


>>>>> "priya" == priyas  <priyas at wiproge.gsoi.med.ge.com> writes:

    priya> hello there, i am using vtk with java. i am using vtk for
    priya> the first time and simple pgms like displaying a sphere and
    priya> cone works. the actuall problem arises when i try to
    priya> display a image. i use image viewer to display but i get an
    priya> unsatisfied link error during run time. i don;t know how to
    priya> add an instance of imageviewer to a frame of panel which is
    priya> what is generaly used to display an image in java.

I have no clue about vtk-java but maybe you should indicate what exact
"unsatisfied link error" you got so that if someone in the know cares
to respond they know what the error really is.


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