[vtkusers] Interactors and Animation Looping

Anderson Maciel incroyable at bol.com.br
Fri Nov 30 09:15:57 EST 2001

Perhaps my question is too easy, but as the people usually don't face
this problem I was not able to find any example in the books or Internet.

         I'll try to explain the problem in a simple way:

 - I display a couple of spheres. OK.
 - I want to use an Interactor to move the camera around them, that's
 easy, I did it.
 - I want to make the shperes move, it was also easy to do with a simple
 - HOWEVER, if I want to see the spheres in motion while moving the
 camera (simultaneously changing model and interacting)... I could not do
 it. Either the interactor takes control and motion looping is never
 reached, or the motion looping executes forever and the interactor does
 not have effect.

 If you've already faced a similar problem and have a small piece of code
 showing how to do it, please send me. Otherwise, if you have any idea or
 tip, feel free to tell me.

 Thank you very much.


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