[vtkusers] Trying to build vtkqgl for VTK4

Oliver Fleig Oliver.Fleig at univ-rennes1.fr
Wed Nov 28 05:21:26 EST 2001

On Tuesday 20 November 2001 11:34, Fabian Härle wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently trying to build vtkqgl for use with vtk4.0. Currently I
> seem to have working makefiles. Now, there seems to be a major change
> from vtk3.2 to vtk4.0, as I get the following error messages:

Hello Fabian!
I built vtk4.0 over the weekend together with vtkQGL. In order to compile 
vtkQGL for vtk3.2 I already had to change one or two lines of code.

On compiling  vtkQGL you  get some errors on lines like:


You just have to replace the dereferenced value (*matrix) by the pointer 
Be sure to link to the appropriate libraries (lib names changes from 3.2 to 




Oliver Fleig - Laboratoire IDM (fka SIM)
mailto:Oliver.Fleig at univ-rennes1.fr    
+33 2 99 33 68 63 - http://idm.univ-rennes1.fr/users/fleig
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