[vtkusers] Does the order of using Delete() matter
Amy Henderson
amy.henderson at kitware.com
Mon Nov 26 09:04:59 EST 2001
Don't call Delete for points, polys, or iso. Since you did not create them
by calling New, don't call Delete on them either.
- Amy
At 11:16 AM 11/21/2001 -0800, Weiguang Guan wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have a volume go through vtkContourFilter then get suface data back.
>Core dump happens when using Delete() to free resources. Does
>anyone know what causes it. Here is the code segment:
> .........
> vtkStructuredPoints *vtk_str_pnt;
> vtk_str_pnt= vtkStructuredPoints::New();
> vtk_str_pnt->SetOrigin((float)origin[0], (float)origin[1],
> (float)origin[2]);
> vtk_str_pnt->SetDimensions(dimensions);
> vtk_str_pnt->SetSpacing((float)spacings[0], (float)spacings[1],
> (float)origin[2]);
> vtkScalars *scalars;
> scalars= vtkScalars::New();
> vtk_str_pnt->GetPointData()->SetScalars(scalars);
> scalars->SetDataTypeToChar();
> // feed data in
> scalars->Allocate(dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]*dimensions[2]);
> for (i= 0; i< dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]*dimensions[2]; i++) {
> s= *(((char*) buf) + i);
> scalars->InsertScalar(i, s);
> }
> vtkContourFilter *iso_gen;
> iso_gen= vtkContourFilter::New();
> iso_gen->SetInput(vtk_str_pnt);
> iso_gen->SetValue(0, iso_value);
> iso_gen->Update();
> vtkPolyData *iso;
> iso= iso_gen->GetOutput(); /* Surface data is in iso */
> vtkCellArray *polys;
> polys= iso->GetPolys();
> vtkPoints *points;
> points= iso->GetPoints();
> ..........
> scalars->Delete();
> vtk_str_pnt->Delete();
> iso_gen->Delete();
> points->Delete();
> polys->Delete();
> iso->Delete();
>Weiguang Guan, Schrodinger Inc | Email: weiguang at schrodinger.com
>Tel: 503-299-1150 ext. 128 (O)
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