[vtkusers] Can I read the dicom files in vtk using the implem ented classes in Slicer?

Day, Robert Robert.Day at health.wa.gov.au
Sun Nov 25 21:08:14 EST 2001

I too use Sébastien's dicom2 and it is a great tool.

However, recently on the ImageJ mailing list someone asked about renaming
DICOM files.  I suggested dicom2, but he was using MacOs X, for which a
binary does not exist.  This leads me to ponder whether more portable DICOM
handling could become a part of vtk.  Certainly it would be a non-trivial
task, given the size and ever-expanding nature of the DICOM standard.

As ever, I am not in a position to do the work myself at the moment, but
perhaps Sébastien is willing to make his source available, which would
certainly make the task easier.

Any comments ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Goodwin Lawlor [mailto:goodwin.lawlor at ucd.ie]
> Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2001 11:49 PM
> To: lydia many; vtkusers at public.kitware.com
> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Can I read the dicom files in vtk using the
> implemented classes in Slicer?
> You can use Sebastien Barre's dicom2.exe to read your mri 
> files and output
> them as raw for vtk to digest...
> http://www.barre.nom.fr/medical/dicom2/index.html

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