[vtkusers] Direct RayCasting on RGB(A) with VTK possible?

burkhardt.dorn at berlin.de burkhardt.dorn at berlin.de
Wed Nov 21 10:54:16 EST 2001

Hi all,
I would like to know whether VTK implements specific or
common ray-casting algorithms also on 3-dimensional 
RGB(A)-images. The samples I inspected work all on 
pure intensity maps and the color comes from a LUT. 
Of course it is no problem, to convert RGB to Gray. 

But one might also try to perform a ray cast obtaining 
the intensity of a given voxel by averaging the RGB of 
its scalar and the color by taking it directly rather 
than from a fictive LUT.

Is this or something similar possible with VTK? A small
cxx or tcl sample would be useful... :-)

Burkhardt Dorn
mailto:burkhardt.dorn at berlin.de

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