[vtkusers] Mesa/VTK problem on RedHat 7.2 (also with Mesa 4.0)

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Sun Nov 18 13:03:34 EST 2001

>>>>> "DR" == Dave Reed <dreed at capital.edu> writes:

    >> Note that I have not tried this myself but if Ann's patch is
    >> correct I guess this should be correct too.  According to Hank
    >> Childs <childs at hyper.llnl.gov> this problem occurs because of a
    >> problem in display lists.  Maybe you could confirm this
    >> behaviour by trying this change and checking if you still have
    >> missing polygons.  This might help the mesa folks.

    DR> Yes, making that change to the VTK code fixes the problem. So
    DR> the problem is with Mesa display lists and triangle strips?

Great!  One way to do this without a rebuild is to call
ImmediateModeRenderingOn() on all the mappers.  This should turn off
display lists.

Yes, according to Hank Childs the problem is with display lists.  the
else block after the if condition is called if the mapper is using
display lists.  If the Mesa folks want to see the OpenGLPolyDataMapper
code please do let us know.


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