[vtkusers] Re: rotation with vtkRenderWindowInteractor

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Nov 14 02:09:31 EST 2001

>>>>> "TL" == Thong Luu <Thong.Luu at grc.nasa.gov> writes:

    TL> Hi there, I am using vtk 3.3 on windows 98.  I have only one
    TL> sphere in my vtk application. When I rotate via button 1, the
    TL> sphere rotates around its center. This works fine with both
    TL> camera or object mode.  Then I add axes to the application
    TL> using vtkAxes. Now when I rotate via button 1, the sphere and
    TL> the axes are not rotating round the center (0,0,0) any
    TL> more. It seems to get a new center point of the combination of
    TL> the sphere and the axes. This happens with both the Camera
    TL> mode (key c) and Object mode (key o).

I think that is normal behaviour when the camera is reset.  To change
the behaviour by using the camera's SetFocalPoint and SetPosition.


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