[vtkusers] vtkImagePermute without copying the data

Alexandre Guimond guimond at bwh.harvard.edu
Sat Mar 10 13:22:40 EST 2001

Hi there.  Would anybody out there have a class that does the same
thing vtkImagePermute does, but that only changes the attributes
(extents,dimensions,etc.) and references the input data for it's own?

I'm building a viewer with 3 views for each data set (x,y,z) and the
unnecessary 2*NumDataSets*permute simply takes too much memory.  I'm
sure some of you have done this before so there must be a better way
than what I'm doing now...

thx for the info
Alexandre Guimond, Ph.D. guimond at bwh.harvard.edu Phone:(617) 278-0800 
http://spl.bwh.harvard.edu:8000/~guimond/          Fax:(617) 264-5154
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
CNI, RF396, 221 Longwood Av, Boston, MA 02115

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