[vtkusers] vtkProjectedTexture methods

AFANGNIKE afangnik at dromadaire.com
Tue Jun 12 10:16:06 EDT 2001

How to use vtkProjectedTexture ??

Here is my terrain limit coordinates : 
UL : 658896, 3096715
LR : 661782, 3099490

The methods to use are :
tmapper = vtkProjectedTexture::New() ;

tmapper->SetPosition(660000, 3098000, 300) ;  // ??
tmapper->SetPosition(0, 0.0, 0) ; // ??
tmapper->SetFocalPoint(660000, 3098000, 400) ; // ??
tmapper->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 1.2) ; // ??
tmapper->SetAspectRatio(1.2, 0.7, 1) ; // ??
tmapper->SetTRange(658896, 661782); // ??
tmapper->SetSRange(3096715, 3099490); // ??
tmapper->SetSRange(3, 10) ; // ??
tmapper->SetTRange(3, 6) ; // ??


How to use this methods properly in order to warp exactly a image representing
a aerial orthophoto, on a terrain model (dtm) ?? 

I will be pleased if somebody have an idea on how to choose the right
parameters to do this.



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