[vtkusers] re: user update of rendering with Modified()

Matthew Pastizzo mp1984 at csc.albany.edu
Thu Apr 26 15:52:09 EDT 2001

Hi all,

Here is some code to render x-y-z data.  User has the option of
changing the values of $xAxisVar, $yAxisVar, and $zAxisVar
through comboboxes for each axis.

Does anyone know code that will automatically update the
SetPointComponent of x,y,z?  Someone mentioned using
sending a Modified() command, but I'm not sure how to

Thanks, Matt

set size 78;#maximum number possible (1 less than actual number)
set xAxis $xAxisVar;#red axis
set yAxis $yAxisVar;#yellow axis
set zAxis $zAxisVar;#green axis
set scalar1 $scalar1Var;#blue
set scalar2 $scalar2Var;#red
set scalar3 $scalar3Var;#yellow

# extract data from field as a polydata (just points), then extract scalars
vtkDataObjectReader fdr
    fdr SetFileName "$VTK_DATA/concrete.vtk"
vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter do2ds
    do2ds SetInput [fdr GetOutput]
    do2ds SetDataSetTypeToPolyData
#format: component#, arrayname, arraycomp, minArrayId, maxArrayId, normalize
    do2ds DefaultNormalizeOn
    do2ds SetPointComponent 0 $xAxis 0
    do2ds SetPointComponent 1 $yAxis 0
    do2ds SetPointComponent 2 $zAxis 0
    do2ds Update

vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter fd2ad1
    fd2ad1 SetInput [do2ds GetOutput]
    fd2ad1 SetInputFieldToDataObjectField
    fd2ad1 SetOutputAttributeDataToPointData
    fd2ad1 DefaultNormalizeOn
    fd2ad1 SetScalarComponent 0 $scalar1 0

vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter fd2ad2
    fd2ad2 SetInput [do2ds GetOutput]
    fd2ad2 SetInputFieldToDataObjectField
    fd2ad2 SetOutputAttributeDataToPointData
    fd2ad2 DefaultNormalizeOn
    fd2ad2 SetScalarComponent 0 $scalar2 0

vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter fd2ad3
    fd2ad3 SetInput [do2ds GetOutput]
    fd2ad3 SetInputFieldToDataObjectField
    fd2ad3 SetOutputAttributeDataToPointData
    fd2ad3 DefaultNormalizeOn
    fd2ad3 SetScalarComponent 0 $scalar3 0

# construct pipeline for original population
vtkGaussianSplatter popSplatter
    popSplatter SetInput [fd2ad1 GetOutput]
    popSplatter SetSampleDimensions 50 50 50
    popSplatter SetRadius .05
    popSplatter ScalarWarpingOff
vtkContourFilter popSurface
    popSurface SetInput [popSplatter GetOutput]
    popSurface SetValue 0 .01
vtkPolyDataMapper popMapper
    popMapper SetInput [popSurface GetOutput]
    popMapper ScalarVisibilityOff
vtkActor popActor
    popActor SetMapper popMapper
    [popActor GetProperty] SetOpacity .1
    [popActor GetProperty] SetColor .95 .95 .95

vtkRenderer ren1
$renWin1 AddRenderer ren1

# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
ren1 AddActor axesActor
ren1 AddActor popActor
ren1 AddActor scalar1Actor
ren1 AddActor scalar2Actor
ren1 AddActor scalar3Actor
ren1 AddActor XActor
ren1 AddActor YActor
ren1 AddActor ZActor
ren1 SetBackground 1 1 1
ren1 SetActiveCamera camera
XActor SetCamera camera
YActor SetCamera camera
ZActor SetCamera camera

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