[vtkusers] VTK Nightly and Linux

Kent Vander Velden graphix at iastate.edu
Thu Apr 26 09:31:15 EDT 2001

  Hi.  A couple of days ago I downloaded the then latest VTK Nightly
bundle and tried to compile it on my Linux machine.  I have tried 
several different configure sittings with the latest one being:

# ./configure  --with-tcl --with-shared --with-contrib --with-patented --with-opengl --with-x --with

  Mainly, I have tried combinations of --with-opengl, --with-mesa, and
--with-x.  Either tcl/vtk will not link at the last step, my
application will not link (messages about OSMesa* functions missing),
or when tcl/vtk is run the following error message is shown before

  Generic Warning: In vtkGraphicsFactory.cxx, line 321
  Attempting to create an OpenGL or Mesa based object with a VTK that is not linked/configured with Mesa/OpenGL.

  This machine is using XFree 4.0.3 with the MesaGL that came with that
XFree distribution.  The only thing that I have changed with regard to
the version of MesaGL is that I compiled and installed the GLU library
that is missing from the XFree distributions for some reason.

  What am I doing wrong here?  I haven't had any problems with previous 
Nightly releases, but it has been a long time since I built one.  Has
something changed?


Kent Vander Velden
kent at iastate.edu

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