[vtkusers] How to set premitives' edge color?
L.J. van Ruijven (ACTA)
L.J.vanRuijven at amc.uva.nl
Thu Apr 26 04:23:44 EDT 2001
Hi Ben,
I also wrote a program in tcl/tk to make the edges visible.The file
Condyle_Model.VTK contains an object of type vtkPolyData.
Here is the complete code:
# intro copied from vtkInt.tcl
catch {load vtktcl}
source c:/progs/vtk31/examplesTcl/vtkInt.tcl
vtkRenderer ren1
ren1 SetBackground 1 1 1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
# read the surface data
vtkDataSetReader reader
reader SetFileName "Condyle_Model.VTK"
vtkDataSetMapper moldMapper
moldMapper SetInput [reader GetOutput]
moldMapper SetScalarVisibility 0
vtkActor moldActor
moldActor SetMapper moldMapper
[moldActor GetProperty] SetOpacity 1
ren1 AddActor moldActor
vtkDataSetMapper moldMapper1
moldMapper1 SetInput [reader GetOutput]
moldMapper1 SetScalarVisibility 0
vtkActor moldActor1
moldActor1 SetMapper moldMapper1
set prop [moldActor1 GetProperty]
$prop SetRepresentationToWireframe
$prop SetColor 0 0 0
$prop SetLineWidth 2
moldActor1 SetProperty $prop
ren1 AddActor moldActor1
iren Render
success Leo.
> from that of the facets themselves. This is how my code segment looks
> like right now:
> vtkActor *actor1 = vtkActor::New();
> actor1->SetMapper(mapper);
> actor1->GetProperty()->SetColor(1.0000,0.7529,0.7961);
> actor1->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(1);
> actor1->GetProperty()->EdgeVisibilityOn(); %enable edge visibility
> actor1->GetProperty()->SetEdgeColor(blue); %
> However, I can't see what I expect to see, though no any
> compling/linking errors are reported.
> I wonder if anybody out there have had the similar problem before, and
> how fixed it if possible? I use VTK within a MFC application.
> Thank you very much.
> Ben
> __________________________________________________
* drs L.J. van Ruijven Tel: 31 (0)20 566 5357 *
* Dept. of Functional Anatomy, ACTA FAX: 31 (0)20 691 1856 *
* Meibergdreef 15 email: L.J.vanRuijven at AMC.UvA.Nl *
* 1105 AZ Amsterdam *
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