[vtkusers] vtkImplicitSelectionLoop problems

Sven Prevrhal sven.prevrhal at oarg.ucsf.edu
Wed Apr 25 20:17:20 EDT 2001

I want to clip an irregular region from an image, thought I'd do it with a
combination of vtkImplicitSelectionLoop  and vtkClipVolume. Is that the way
to go or is there a more obvious one?

So, I have an image (z=0) and defined a loop. The loop works, I tried a
couple of points, and EvaluateFunction gives the right answers. But
vtkClipVolume clip
clip SetInput $image
clip SetClipFunction loop
clip SetValue 0.0
clip Update

yields an unstructured grid with 0 points and cells! Why?

:-( Sven

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